Department of Accounting
Scholarships and Awards
All scholarship applications are due by TBA. To apply for scholarships, click on the “Scholarship Application” button below and follow the instructions. Everyone is encouraged to apply.
The Department of Accounting awards several scholarships yearly, as do many professional accounting organizations. Students are strongly encouraged to apply for these scholarships if they meet the specified eligibility requirements. Scholarships will be awarded at the Spring Awards Banquet.
The primary scholarships awarded annually by the MTSU Department of Accounting are:
- Accounting Alumni Appreciation Day MAcc Scholarship
- Accounting Alumni Appreciation Day Merit Scholarship
- Accounting Alumni Appreciation Day Outstanding Junior Award
- Accounting Alumni Appreciation Day Outstanding Senior Award
- Accounting Alumni Appreciation Day Service Award
- Accounting Excellence Emerging Professional Award
- Arunee Kalas Scholarship in Accounting
- Bill and Linda Mooningham Scholarship
- Daniel and Nancy Boyd Endowed Scholarship
- E.W. (Wink) Midgett Scholarship
- FORVIS Emerging Professional Scholarship
- FORVIS Outstanding Student Scholarship
- Institute of Internal Auditors (Nashville Chapter) Scholarship
- Lara Womack Daniel Endowed Scholarship
- Larry P. Morton Scholarship
- MTSU Accounting Faculty Scholarship
- Paula Bevels Thomas Memorial Scholarship
- Rebecca A. Foote Determination Scholarship
- Todd T. Ravin Scholarship
- W. Wallace Robertson Accounting Scholarship
- William and Martha Richmond Scholarship
- William J. Grasty Endowed Scholarship
- Yohan Abraham Rising Senior Accounting Scholarship
- Yohan Abraham Rising Junior Accounting Scholarship
Applications for Scholarships for the 2024-2025 Academic Year are due February 8th, 2024.
One application can be used to apply for multiple scholarships!
Many scholarships are also available through professional accounting organizations, such as:
- Tennessee Society of CPAs
- Association of Certified Fraud Examiners
- Association of Government Accountants Nashville Chapter
- Institute of Management Accountants
- Government Finance Officers Association
- Accounting & Financial Women’s Alliance
- National Society of Accountants
- Middle Tennessee Chapter of Certified Fraud Examiners
- Murfreesboro Business and Professional Women
- John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Other scholarships will be announced on this page and via email as they become available. You should check this page on a regular basis for announcements regarding new scholarships.